all life is a day

all life is a day

dawning and dusking

golden light between the 

twinned darkness 

we find ourselves 


this day 

terrible in its 

naked givenness… 

is its contemplation 

not the highest 

form of consciousness?

i walk the green 

path toward the

wine dark sea 

are you here with me? 

or will you slip 

into an hour of 

your own?

i feel the 

sand beneath my feet 

the pound of surf 

upon the lightless shore 

soon we’ll be 

no more 


touch me lightly

first nirvana thought, 

sublime terror, 

razor’s edge of madness 

“once you see it 

you’re done for kid” 

and he wasn’t wrong 

its paralysis promise

whispers in these ringing ears 

“you will believe in miracles” 

these screaming miracles 

like a whistling kettle 

this is just a consequence 

of crystal almond eyes

“you have to look” he said

“beyond every idea, to the Real” 

i finally did it 

but we’re not meant to see 


Life, for me, has been an oscillation between poetry and prose, unconscious and conscious existence. I suspect it’s the same for many people, in its own way.  Lately I’ve been able to cultivate a vision of the world, only in part, in which I see everything around me as if I was a soul returned to a body.  How would you -feel-, how would you -see-, if you had one last chance to view the world after having lost everything to that eternal night of slumber?  Can you find it within yourself to see the world as if having lost it?

Greater things

There are greater things than the 

Idea of your gods

For gods can never know the 

Friendship of wanderers or the 

Sky-eyed host of grasstreaders, 

Oceangazers, treetouchers 

But that was the test wasn’t it? 

God is:

“That than which nothing

Greater can be conceived” 

But I can conceive it 

And its conception fills me like a 

Star-lapping wave, 

With a truth that didn’t come 

From a book, 

It surpasses the paper gods, 

It is greater by a green mile, 

By a host of singing lights 

That illuminate my heart, 

It is the love of a dear friend that 

Shares the long road and 

Sheds my tears 

The sunlight through the trees

Upon the infant’s pure eye, 

The space between our 

Longing and Eternity, 

Present at every moment

For those with 

Eyes to see, 

Good hearts, and

Faces turned toward the 

Rising lands and waters 

when words fail

when words fail to describe the beauty in my eye, i can only show you what i see, with hands, gentle touch, a presence there upon the grassy slope by wine dark water.

but there are things i cannot show you, divine, sacred, revealed out of themselves, upon those grassy slopes by wine dark waters.

one night not far from the dancing ground, in a little green tent upon the moonlit hill, i heard the song of two women humming like cicadas, drawing me up into a light, until coyote broke my will and drew me back to earth.  

goodbye sisters, goodbye light, coyote runs laughing in the night, but i love him all the more for it.

so long since wind

so long since wind
along the rocky shore
blew tossing wave and
goddess hair against
this wandering body
today in shimmering
vision i caught a glimpse of
old things
still green in memory’s
golden eye
there across the chasmed
darkness: vision flew.
a passerby
consumed by present things
stumbled by the path
“turn your face” i yelled
but on they plodded
undisturbed in
electromagnet sphere
and i, i watched the phantom
fade away
how old i must be
to view this with

reach through

reach through
the thinnest veil
transparent to
your smiles and
glowing white teeth
in a suntanned
summer face
we embraced
each other there
where the old
ways touched
our ears
how strong
your arms!
how healthy in decay
before day
breaks this revelry..
a gift?
a warning or presage?
i miss you, 
either way

the spirit of death

the spirit of death
tinged with fearful
anticipation of permanence
spins about me today like a
dust devil
promising dissolution
questions and curiosities
about our nature

you cease to exist
but here i am
only knowing existence
they meditate on 
celestial kingdoms 
but there are none
i’ve seen
the green rolling hills of
there is a doubt
i’m flesh and blood
soon not even that
i know
your name as the faded 
graves you’ve visited
forgotten and desolate

what’s in a name?
as arbitrary as life
i should rejoice in it
yes try to forget
live in the moment
the end comes
irresistibly regardless”
leave me alone
let me forget
you’ve seen my face
i’ve seen it and know
your clarity is a
gnawing worm

i’ve seen
Other things
they are fanciful visions
i will ignore them no longer

the spirit left me then
not with its usual laughter
carrying a spear
its tip encasing a
black vacuum
disappointed or